Sun protection tips for kids
How to be sun safe in Australia year-round
Australian children love to be outside in nature enjoying unstructured play. And who could blame them? We have amazing parklands, reserves and activities to enjoy and of course there’s the beach. But our location and climate has one disadvantage – the potential for a high UV rating, year round.
Even when it’s overcast outside, there’s still a great danger of skin damage with the potential to develop skin cancer later on. This is why you as parents need to take precautions against the sun to protect your children.
Your Child
Until a child is approx. 13, children they are at a much greater risk than you are; their skin is 30% thinner than the average adult, meaning they’re more at risk from burning.
We all know that UV rays are dangerous, but we’re often unaware of how severe it can be. When it comes to UV rays, you can’t feel or see them – they’re just there causing you and your family harm without you even knowing it.
Set an Example
Be sun smart yourself and set a good example; after all skin protection is just as important for you too.
Before you venture outside ensure everyone has a high SPF sunscreen applied, and make checking they have their hats and sunglasses fun. We love KINeSYS Sunscreen - it's oil and alcohol free and the not heavy or greasy. Create challenges, have races...think outside the box and get your kids thinking about being sun smart.
Be Prepared
As a parent, you know you have to be prepared at all times. Hats get lost and clothes get dirty or wet. Keep a small handy-size bottle of sunscreen in your bag at all times and if room allows, pack a spare broad brimmed hat or sleeved shirt.
Wear sundicators Sunscreen Reminder Stickers to provide a visual prompt for when to reapply sunscreen.
If riding bikes or scooters, try a Treadley Helmet Hat to reduce UV exposure.
When and Where
We all agree getting our children outdoors and into nature is essential. When the UV is high a little bit of planning goes a long way to making the day more comfortable and enjoyable for everyone.
Choosing the right activity, time and outdoors location is essential. If you have a day at a park or reserve planned, stick to the areas of natural shade or shade sails in the peak UV times. In the higher UV months and when there is little or no shade available, enjoy outside play in the early morning or early evening when the UV is not as strong.
Today, technology can help us. With the Cancer Council’s SunSmart app you will not only stay ahead of technology, you’ll also stay safe. Remember the Cancer Council recommends sun protection when the UV is 3 and above – for most of Queensland this is all year round. Use our sundicators Wristband or Stickers to monitor your UV exposure and remind you when to reapply sunscreen and when to avoid the sun.
Sometimes the feeling of sunscreen on children’s skin makes them feel uncomfortable. If your children don’t like the cold feeling of sunscreen hitting their bare skin, switch to an alcohol-free sunscreen. And if they don’t like the slimy feel, choose solid sunscreen sticks instead.
Applying sunscreen to your child’s face could be treated like face painting. Perhaps you could do it for them or they could do it themselves it doesn’t really matter, it’s still fun! Just don’t forget to rub it all in afterwards.
Zinc is great. It protects the sensitive areas of the face such as the nose and around the eyes. Instead of boring old white zinc, let your kids choose their favourite colours.
Outdoor play can easily be sun smart play.
Things to remember always:
- Apply sunscreen to your child’s body 20 minutes prior to going outside
- Reapply sunscreen every few hours, more if your child’s sweating, swimming or very active
- Use a minimum of SPF30
- Don’t only rely on sunscreen to protect your children from the sun – think broad brimmed hats, sleeved shirts, sunglasses and rash shirts for water activities. Swap the cap; they don’t protect ears and the back of neck and forget singlets or strappy shirts which leave the shoulders and arms exposed
- Make sure your sunscreen hasn’t expired
- Check your child’s skin on a regular basis, and if you have any concerns, contact your family doctor